Quotation Request Form

Please fill out the Quotation Request Form below completely. We will contact you as soon as possible.

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* Required information, the field can not be empty.
Firm Name *
Field of Activity *
Firm Representative *
E-mail *
Phone *
Address *
Web Site
Requested Service *
Fluoropolymer (Teflon) Coating
Elastomer (Rubber) Coating
Name(s) of the Part(s) *
Material of the Part(s) *
Operating Conditions of the Part(s) Please write specific details about the operating conditions of the part(s) if exist (ie. high temperature, chemical media, friction, load etc.).
Dimensions of the Part(s) * Please do not forget to write the units.
Quantity *
Primary Expectation(s) from the Coating Service If your expectations are not listed here, please specify at "Anything to Add" section below.
High temperature resistance
Cryogenic resistance
Chemical resistance
Electrical insulation
Friction resistance
Load resistance
Upload File (Informative document about the part(s), drawing, photo etc.)
Anything to Add


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Contact us

Contact us via following phone, fax or e-mail details.

  • Hot line: +90-212-356 66 67
  • Fax: +90-212-356 67 68
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